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Choose your appropriate scientific pre-Congress and post-Congress field trips and explore regional geology and culture during the mid-Congress field trips


In all pre-Congress and post-Congress field trips cases a certain number of single bed rooms will be available. This might increase your fees. Additional costs have to be paid on the field trip. Requests for single bed rooms and all further questions should be directed to the responsible field trip leaders. All field trips will require some walking along roads, on forest paths, meadows, in active and inactive quarries in hilly landscapes except for field trip C3 that will be in high mountainous areas of the Alps. It will include some more extended walking.
Field boots are obligatory on all trips. If possible, bring your hammer and own safety goggles. For the German and Belgian field trips we will additionally provide helmets and safety jackets.

For mid-congress field trips direct questions to We will serve potential participants strictly on a “first come first served” mode. In case that the field trip of your choice might be overbooked, please inform the organization committee to be included on a waitlist.